Our gaming division is growing. We are adding to our talent database and we are able to service clients across varied areas of gaming design, user testing, game creators with three options.
Fixed Term Contract
We are proud of our gaming talent within Australia, we have people from the below categories
ready to go when you need them. Whether you need a permanent staff member, someone for a
longer-term project or a Freelancer to help you meet that deadline, we have the largest pool of interviewed
and pre-qualified Talent within our niche. You can access our wide range of talent by contacting a
Recruitment Consultant who knows the gaming industry well.
If you’d like to save on recruitment costs for your Freelancers, you can post your project for free on our
Freelance Portal and start communicating directly with our interviewed Freelance Gaming Talent.
If you'd like to know more about these roles you can click on each title for more detailed information.