Well another 6 weeks in lockdown completely sucks.
It’s not what anyone wanted but we all know someone who hasn’t done the right thing.
Multiply that by all of those people and here we are in a second wave.
My team and I at Creative Recruiters have been doing everything we can to find projects
for those of you not working and whilst we’ve had some success,
its no where near what we wish we could do for you.
Every day I’m hearing the pain that business owners are experiencing and, hand on heart, their doing everything they can to keep the staff they’ve got.
These businesses need to survive, so there are jobs for you on the other side of this.
So if you want this to be over, so we can return to some kind of normal,
then it’s time for the creative community to step up and do the right thing.
Grab a mask, decorate it (I mean you’re all creatives after all) and wear it when you’re outside.
If I can do it (hmm well i’m a recruiter not a designer) then you can too!
Sure, it may not always help to slow down the spread of COVID
but it will damn well remind everyone you walk past to take a wider birth and if you’ve done a good job decorating it, you’ll get a smile and a thumbs up for making an effort.
As a creative community its our job to engage people, so use your design skills to engage and remind everyonethat by doing their bit we’ll be on the other side of this before we know it.
Once you’ve decorated your mask, email me a photo and I’ll post it on our LinkedIn company page so you can inspire others to do the same.
Stay well everyone!