We all question ourselves if we should go or stay in our job - we have good days and want to stay and then have horrible days and want to leave immediately.
Here's a test you can take to see whether your job deserves you for another year, or not. Ask yourself these questions and answer them as honestly as possible.
- Does your job give you the level of intellectual stimulation you need? Do you have smart conversations every day?
- Does your job give you a creative outlet? Do you often feel that you're bringing your art to the job, and not just your labour?
- Does your job lift you up emotionally? Do your "wins" on the job, the social interaction and your feeling of being part of something cool and important grow your flame?
- Do your managers recognise your contributions?
- Does your job acknowledge and make room for your life outside of work?
- Does your job give you enough visibility into the future of the role or the company to make you feel that there's a good reason to stay there and advance with the organisation?
- Does your job give you new learning all the time - something that you can take with you to your next employer?
- Does your job make you proud to tell people what you do and who you work for?
- Does your job fulfil you as a person?
- Does your job make you happy when you wake up in the morning — are you excited to go to work?
If your job doesn't hit at least half these points there's no good reason to stay. Why invest your precious time and talents in a place where those things will only go to waste?
Good luck, whatever you decide!
And if this has been helpful, it would be great to get your feedback.